Have you ever spent a lazy afternoon staring up at the clouds? Have you ever wanted to take one home with you so you can have a fluffy cloud buddy? Well, today is your lucky day! We are going to use some construction paper to make a cloud friend who won’t just float away with the afternoon breeze!

You will need



Craft Instructions

1) First, you are going to trace out our cloud on your white paper and use your scissors to cut it out. Get creative with your clouds and have fun. Then cut out the colour strips for your Cloud Buddy’s rainbow.







2) Using your glue, turn your cloud over and glue on your rainbow strips. Sort your colours however you think they should be arranged! We went with a colour pattern that goes from red to purple.







3) Once your rainbow is attached, trim it to a length you like. We made a short rainbow for our cloud. Then, glue on a pair of wiggly eyes and draw on a happy smile with your marker.








4) If you are looking to make your cloud 3D, you can add some craft puffs or create a fun light effect by adding tissue paper to your rainbow! What other cool things can you think of to add to your cloud?


Arts & crafts, At Home, DIY, craft, create, crafts, activities, fun, imaginative play, creativity, open ended play, easy crafts, Nature Craft, kids crafts, creative crafts, adorable crafts, clouds, weather, weather craft

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