It’s National Pet Week this week (May 5-11 2019) and we want to help you turn your favourite pet into a puppet! This fun and engaging craft features an easy to make paper plate puppet that can be turned into an animal, monster or anything your imagination can think of!

To start our craft today, pick your favourite pet. Once you can picture them, use your craft parts to create them as a fun paper plate puppet!

You will need


Craft Instructions

1) Take one of your paper plates and cut it in half.


2) Glue the paper plate you just cut to the back of the second paper plate, making sure ONLY to glue the EDGES of the plate. This will create a space between the plates for your hand to go!


3) Fold your paper plates in half so that the space is created for your hand and to make your puppet’s mouth.


Here how your plates will look after and before the fold.


4) Using your favourite colouring method colour the inside of your puppets mouth!


5) Now it’s time to choose your pet you want to make. You can use your pencils, crayons or construction paper to make your animal. We made a kitty and a snake!

Use your colour tools and create your animal. We used construction paper cut outs for out kitty and green Kwik Stix for our snake!



Once you have your animal made, take your wiggly eyes and glue them on. Then use your construction paper to make the tongue and glue it on as well. Finish off your pet puppet by adding any other details like whiskers, ears, a nose and more!


And there you have it! You have made your favourite pet into a fun hand puppet! Take him home and introduce him to his real-life self!


Arts & crafts, Family Activities, DIY, craft, create, art, crafts, fun, animals, paint, open ended play, fine motor development, animal craft, easy crafts

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