Toddlers are often a whirlwind of activity. They bounce around from spot to spot, game to game exploring their world and absorbing everything they can while they’re at it. Following their adventures can be tiring and leave little time for other tasks that need to be completed throughout the day.
Making sure you have time to complete any prep work or keeping kids busy while you work with others is essential to keeping your childcare operation running smoothly with no tears. Here are 4 of our favourite types of quick play activities that can help keep you kids engaged for 10 minutes or more
Music can have multiple positive effects for toddlers. It helps them with their sensory development, helps improve coordination and can bring a smile to any kids face. Having musical toys available is a way for kids to develop core skills while feeding their creativity and independence. Having musical instruments around the classroom allows kids to find their musical side, while ensuring you get some free time for you.
Building and block activities are essential in the early years of child development. Blocks are a fun toy for kids to play with and can engross them for extended periods as they build and create in their own world. Aside from being a fun activity, block play can stimulate kids and help them develop better motor skills and improve their creativity. Block play can also increase vocabulary and math skills as children learn about the block colours, shapes, and decorations that often include numbers and letters. Blocks and building toys are quick to set up and put away and can keep kids engaged while you handle your other tasks.
Learning language and math skills are an essential part of the early development stages for toddlers. Being able to incorporate lessons that kids have already been learning into other types of play is an excellent way of reinforcing important concepts. Blocks with numbers, counting change while playing store, or letter puzzles are all great ways of bringing language and math into other activities.