The Power Of Play

7 Ways To Support Your Child's French Education

Written by Scholars Choice | Feb 9, 2018 7:54:41 PM

As more and more parents are sending their kids to French Immersion schools every year, we hear the same struggles from our customers over and over again. Parents want to encourage their children's new language skills but aren't sure how (especially when French isn't a part of their educational experience). Well, we have put together some helpful tips from the pros here at Scholar's Choice in order to help you help your little learners outside of the classroom. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something too! 

1. Play games!

Kids LOVE the original Zingo Bingo's fast paced play, so why not try the French version? Games are a great way to make learning another language a fun and engaging event for the whole family. We also have an entire French category for parents on our website so you can find more great games and resources. 

2. Find some fun French activities to do together

Canada offers so many festivals, movies, and library events that you and the family can check out year round, and most major Canadian cities even have French festivals of some kind. There is a French film festival in Toronto every fall, and Vancouver has a weekend celebrating francophone and French-Canadian culture called the Festival du Bois every March. 

3. French camp

There are many kinds of camps offered every summer, so why not try out a French camp one year? There are French immersion summer camps for all ages of students offered all across Canada. 

4. Stock up on some French books, and show them the French section of the library

The library is such a wonderful place for finding new activities and events going on in your community, but did you know it also has books? Sometimes we can get in a library rut and go back to the same sections every visit, so make sure to introduce your kids to new places within their familiar library that they may not have seen before, including the French section. Librarians will also be very happy to show you books that match your interests and French reading ability. 

5. Travel

We live in a country that has many pockets (large and small) of French culture right in our backyards. Obviously you can go to Ottawa and Quebec to speak like the French do, but did you know that every province has their own French communities? Check out this Government of Canada page for more information. 

6. Subscribe to a French magazine in your child's name

Kids love getting mail, and you will know that they are working on their French skills. Win-win! 

7. Listen to French music

Canada is FULL of amazing French bands in every genre under the sun. Pop some tunes on in the car while you're road tripping, or put the francophone station on Spotify and have a dance party in the kitchen.