Fact: you can never go wrong with construction toys.
Whether it is Mag Snaps, LEGO, or Plus Plus, everyone loves to build something from nothing, and kids are no exception.
Here are a few reasons why you should pick up some construction toys for the next time your grandkids come over to play:
1. Kids LOVE building
It is hard for anyone to resist putting blocks together when they are in the room, so why not ensure that there will always be enough to play with? Little do they know, they will also be working on valuable cognitive and motor skills while they play...

2. Your grandkids will be learning to become future engineers, scientists, or mathematicians!
Children begin thinking about math and science when they are playing with blocks, even if they don’t know it. They count, compare size, name shapes, and combine two shapes to make another new shape. As they build, Children will test hypotheses and begin building scientific reasoning skills.

3. You can work as a team on your creations
Construction toys are a great toy for socializing with others, and can be amazing tools for kids who are shy or reserved. Because construction play has no rules or guidelines, there is no pressure on children to produce anything other than what comes from their imagination. In a world with homework and tests, sometimes kids just need to be free, and block play is the perfect time to do just that!

4. Kids will learn cooperation skills
As children work together to build a structure, they must first learn to communicate their ideas, listen to their partner's suggestions and collaborate to find the best method.

5. Get creative together!
The two of you can invent a new land with characters, landscapes, and stories, then write your own stories about what you have created. With Straws and Connectors (below), you can even build yourselves a fort to hang out in. The options are endless!