Jul 26

The 5 Best Robotic and Coding Toys to Introduce Into Your Home

learning, coding, play, robots, science, science for kids, scientific, making science fun, math, problem solving, robot, science is fun, kid, activities, fun, TTS, STEM, parent

Coding literacy is quickly becoming a key part of the modern education system. 

Parents need to be prepared to introduce their children to coding...

Jul 26

Ways to Introduce Robotics in the Early Years Classroom

ece, coding, play, preschool, robots, science, science for kids, scientific, making science fun, math, problem solving, robot, science is fun, teaching, teacher, kindergarten, TTS, school, back to school, STEM

Teaching coding literacy has become mandatory in many classrooms across the country. 

Teachers are stepping up to the new challenge and incorporating...

Jul 26

5 Key Benefits of Robotics in Early Childhood Education

Childcare, ece, coding, preschool, robots, science for kids, problem solving, robot, TTS, STEM

Early childhood is a wonderful time to spark children’s interest in STEM.

Mar 08

4 Ways Coding Toys Prepare Children For The Future

Childcare, coding, robots

Coding is now considered basic literacy, so it is important that children understand how to interact with coding language as they learn to read and...