It is brutally cold out there this time of year (in MOST of Canada -- we're looking at you, BC), and sometimes outdoor time needs to be cancelled or...
Scholars Choice
Recent Posts
It is brutally cold out there this time of year (in MOST of Canada -- we're looking at you, BC), and sometimes recess needs to be cancelled to keep...
The Contest
Spruce up your classroom with fresh decor, new classroom decorative and an updated bulletin board set by entering to win a $250 classroom...
There are a lot of parents here at Scholar's Choice, and we have A LOT of experience with Christmas morning chaos. This year we decided to pool our...
At Home, Family Activities, new year
New Year's Eve is often seen as a holiday for adults, but what if you want to ring in the new year with your kids? We have compiled a list of fun...
Classroom, Classroom management
The holidays are a great time for everyone, teachers and students alike, to take a break from the stresses of the classroom, relax and re-charge...
At Home, Family Activities, Holidays
Are you thinking about ways that you can create magical memories with your family this holiday season, and want to spice up your normal holiday...
Does your grandchild spend a lot of time at grandma and grandpa’s house? In addition to growing a lasting bond between you and your grandchild (and...
At Home, Greatest Contest Ever, The Greatest Jersey Ever, contest
The Story...
These are five words that Canadians of a...
At Home, Classroom, School age, Success Fund
Scholar’s Choice decided to set up the School Success Fund in conjunction with My Class Needs with the goal to help elementary classrooms in need to...
Although there is never a bad time to thank and remember veterans and the people who have served to protect Canadian values, there is no better time...
Make memories and traditions
There’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned family game night to bring everyone together for some family fun! When...
As it gets colder and Christmas is getting nearer, children will be fascinated by everything linked to the changing of seasons. Here are some great...
At Home, Family Activities, Family Game Night, Games
Although your children may find it hard to believe, there was a time long, long, loooong ago (like when you were a kid) when families used to gather...